One of the informational goals of the Scientific Metaphysical Activity Research Team (S.M.A.R.T.) is to help dispel some of the rumors and misconceptions about paranormal or metaphysical research. There are certain principles and theories pertaining to this type of research, and certain practices which are vital to the legitimacy of the study of paranormal activity and which should be maintained as personal protective measures.


The basic theory behind paranormal investigation revolves around the priniciples of energy. One of the basic concepts of physics is that energy cannot be created or destroyed - it can only transfer to another form.
The human body is driven by our production and use of energy. We absorb and give off heat as necessary to maintain our functioning. Our brain and central nervous system is a series of magnetic, chemical and electrical impulses that govern our personal daily functioning - our interactions, movements and communication.
The theory behind paranormal activity is that this electro-magnetic energy escapes the human body during death and either transfers into free form energy or re-forms itself because of its connective nature.
Think of it like any cell phone or radio signal - each has its own frequency and, although they are intermixed with other signals also in the enivronment, they maintain an affinity for their own frequency and for other electrical impulses of the same frequency which allows identical signal frequencies to reconnect.

When we think about ghost hunting, or researching paranormal phenomenon, we must remember the scientific concepts underlying the investigation. We are searchng for forms of energy, so our investigation will be aided by scientific tools which can recognize energy differences.
One of the key theories about the nature of "spirits" is that they are composed of--or manipulate--EMF (electro-magnetic fields). It is, therefore, important for us to be able to measure variations in EMF intensity.
One of the key scientific tools used to discover and measure electro-magnetic energy is called a Mel-meter, or K-2 meter.
This device recognizes and reports levels of EM's within a given radius (and some may also simultaneously report temperature).
A second device is known as a "Spirit Box": a radio frequency modulator which scans through signals very quickly and provides (theoretically) a method for facilitating verbal communication from connected energy sources in your immediate area.
Both these tools MUST be used properly to give the researcher accurate information on potential phenomenon. We provide services to teach techniques to properly utilize these tools.

Many people still refer to paranormal investigation and metaphysical research as "phony" or "fake" or "imaginary hogwash." Their perception is understandable given our current level of understanding of the possibility of some form of intelligent, connected existence after this physical one (that differs from traditional religious beliefs about life after death). However, as science and discovery progress, we continually adapt to new ideas, theories, understanding and acceptance of changed paradigms about what we once thought was true. The world is not flat.
The growth and acceptance of paranormal research begins with the compilation of sound, objective scientific data. Therefore, It is crucial that individuals who perform paranormal reserach are aware of current ideologies and standards in the field, and open to sharing new knowledge and theories. We provide educational services aimed at instructing individuals on the current theories and professional methods of paranormal investigation.
The goal of the study of metaphysical activity is not to "prove" that ghosts exist; rather, the aim is to substantiate the theory that human energy is perpetual in its form and nature - whether it is interactive or not. The more facts that are gathered that substantiate this theory, the closer we will be to shifting our current understanding of "life after death."
Our legitimacy as researchers depends on our dedication to maintaining professional scientific standards in our conduct and research methods.
Remember, paranormal investigations or metaphysical studies are often conducted under potentially dangerous circumstances. Many times these investigations are done in unfamiliar surroundings, in low light conditions, with physical hazards in the environment.
Individuals should NEVER attempt to investigate without a team in attendance, and should always carry safety equipment such as flashlights and a first aid kit. It is important that other individuals (apart from your team) are aware of your investigation and your scheduled start and stop times. Permission to perform an investigation is always vital.
Individuals should also be aware that they may come in contact with potentially undefined types of energy. There is a possibility that our physical bodies may be vulnerable to some extent, because our bodies absorb, utilize and emit energy on a fairly consistent basis. We need to be cognizant of the potential unknown effects of connected energies on our physical and emotional well-being.
Many Teams develop methods of "cleansing" - some are religious in nature, others involve physical or communicative separation, while additional methods involve electromagnetic an/or ionic molecular saturation.
We can provide instruction about methods (and underlying theories) for potentially reducing open exposure to unknown energies and the methods to recognize unwanted connections.